Rare Pod of Sperm Whale Seen off Coast

Did they take a wrong turn or are they off sightseeing?

Whatever the reason, a large pod of sperm whales was recently spotted off the SoCal Coast past Santa Catalina Island – and lucky for scientists who were onboard a whale-watching boat and managed to snap some great pictures.

According to the Orange County Register:

“It’s one of the rarest sights we’ve ever seen,” said Danny Salas, owner of Harbor Breeze Cruises in Long Beach, who was captaining a whale-watching boat with about 100 passengers that encountered the whales 14 miles off Long Beach Harbor. “It was fantastic — like seeing the Loch Ness Monster.”

The 14 whales appeared to be “resting” when they were spotted about 1:40 p.m., and there was no telling in which direction they were headed, said Dave Bader, acting education director of at the Aquarium of the Pacific, whose interns snapped pictures of the whales’ fins for a photo identification project.

This just goes to prove, you never know what you’ll see out on the ocean. A 50-foot sperm whale…frolicking sea lions…sunbathing mermaids. It’s all out there, people.